Intifada NewsPalestine
  Latest  from Middle East
The Electronic Intifada

Al-Awda Palestine News Agency WAFA
Arabic, English "under construction"
Akhbar Al-Maqab Weekly, Arabic
HamasAlayyam News Daily, Arabic
Al-Quds Alarbi Daily, Arabic
Al-Quds Online
Arab Gate Daily, Arabic
Falasteen Electronic Newspaper Monthly, Arabic
AMIN logoFilsteen Almoslima Weekly, Arabic
Kulal-Arab Weekly, Arabic
Palestine Times Monthly Monthly, English

Jerusalem Film Institute

LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection
of Human Rights and the Environment

LAW's Press
Release Archive

Match: Format:
LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment is an affiliate member of the Paris-based International Federation of Human Rights Leagues. It is also a member of the Network of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations (PNGO Network) and a member of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW).

Palestine Times
- a monthly political English newspaper that contains the Palestine news, world news, interviews and analysis
Palestinian National Authority Official Website
- news and information about Palestine's history, culture, economy, tourism, religion, and the Middle East peace process
Palestinian Intelligence Community
Islamic Association for Palestine
- a non-profit organization dedicated to working towards a fair, just and comprehensive solution to the problem of Palestine
A.I.C. - The Alternative Information Center
Birzeit University's Complete Guide to Palestine's Websites
Ammar Maraqa's Home Page.
Palestine Page (Model League of Arab States).
Bethlehem University
Friends of Palestine - Washington State University.
Palestine WWW Page
Palestine WWW Home Page (UK)
Palestine WWW Hope Page (Berlin, Isam G. Ishaq)
Palesinian Universities WWW page.
The Palestinian WWW server at Brunel University (UK)
UseNet newsgroup: soc.culture.palestine
Palestinian National Charter, 1968
Hamas Covenant (1988)
Levant WWW Server
General tourist information: Gaza and West Bank
Internet's Role in Middle East Development:

A Palestinian Perspective
Arab Media Internet Network - AMIN
(in Arabic and English)
Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
    the United Nations Development Programme
Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information a think tank for resolving the Israel/Palestinian problem

Internet in Palestine
Human Rights Watch: Israeli-occupied Palestine
Report on connectivity in Occupied Palestine (Israel)
Languages of (Occupied) Palestine (Israel)
The Jerusalem Mosaic (Israel)
Arab Studies Society - Jerusalem
Central Election Commission
Committee to Protect Journalists:
Gaza and Jerico
Comprehensive resource on the arab world and middle-east well-covered in the areas of: History, Geography, Business, Culture, Government and Transport -Tour


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CIA World Fact Book

1994 entries: West Bank Gaza Strip
1995 entries: West Bank Gaza Strip
1996 entries: West Bank Gaza Strip

U.S. Secretary of State speeches on Palestine
Background Notes (1994)
U.S. Army Area Handbook

U.S. State Department Human Rights Reports:
1993 Israel Occupied Territories
1994 Israel Occupied Territories
Israel and the Occupied Territories

U.S. State Department Travel Advisories:
Israel Occupied Territories
U.S. State Department Report
on Economic Policies & Trade Practices:

1994 Israel

Retrieve flag image
General maps of West Bank and Gaza
First Postage Stamp of Independent Palestine
The Jerico region
Closures and Israeli requisitioned land in the Gaza Strip
Space Shuttle Pictures of Palestine (Israel) from Earthrise Images